There Are More Free Reports Waiting For You

Our goal is to help people with their

Self-Discovery, Self-Awareness and Self-Development.

To Do That:

You actually have to do stuff in your life.

(Not just take a test and get some results.)

Complete Our Challenges To Earn More Free Reports:

Starting Challenge

#Self-Discovery #Self-Awareness

Make sure and read all of the starting reports you get initially. By the way, you could be working on the Polish Challenge at the same time. The goal is to continue the Self-Discovery started during the activities and help you understand yourself better especially as it relates to the specific contexts of communication, relationships, and stress.

Once you have read all of them, then you have completed this challenge and you will earn another free report.

Polish Challenge

#Self-Discovery #Self-Awareness

Use our Polish feature to highlight statements that are really true for you and strikethrough statements that are incorrect or wrong for you. The goal here is for you to refine your understanding of yourself and really hone in on your own unique qualities, both good and bad.

Once you have done this on at least 5 different Report Chapters then you have completed this challenge and will earn another free report.

Profile Challenge

#Self-Awareness #Self-Development

Set up your “How to work with me” or “How to be with me” Profile that you can share with others with a unique link. The goal is to both start getting feedback from others close to you and to work with them on helping you bring your best self to your interactions with them.

Once at least 5 different people have clicked your link to view it then you have completed this challenge and will earn another free report.

This Is Totally Free

We don’t sell your information,
and we don’t hound you to ‘buy’ something.

The only thing you need is the time to do it.

400,000+ Discoveries Completed | 15-45mins to Complete

If you just want to get a quick score this is not for you.
Why Not?